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Postgresql update query taking too long to complete every time

I have PostgreSQL DB table user_book_details with 451007 records. The user_book_details table is getting populated on daily basis with around 1K new records.

I have the following query that is taking a long time(13 Hrs) to complete every time.

    update user_book_details as A1 set min_date=
    (select min(A2.acc_date) as min_date from user_book_details A2 where A2.user_id=A1.user_id 
     and A2.book_id=A1.book_id) where A1.min_date is null;

How I can rewrite the query to improve the performance? FYI, there is no index on user_id and book_id column.


  • Your query is okay:

    update user_book_details ubd
        set min_date = (select min(ubd2.acc_date) 
                        from user_book_details ubd2
                        where ubd2.user_id = ubd.user_id and
                              ubd2.book_id = ubd.book_id
       where ubd.min_date is null;

    For performance you want an index on user_book_details(user_id, book_id). I also think it would be faster written like this:

    update user_book_details ubd
        set min_date = min_acc_date
        from (select ubd2.user_id, ubd2.book_id, min(ubd2.acc_date) as min_acc_date
              from user_book_details ubd2
              group by ubd2.user_id, ubd2.book_id
             ) ubd2
        where ubd2.user_id = ubd.user_id and
              ubd2.book_id = ubd.book_id and
              ubd.min_date is null;

    The first method uses the index to look up the values for each row (something that might be a little complicated when updating the same query). The second method aggregates the data and then joins in the values.

    I should note that this value is easily calculated on the fly:

    select ubd.*,
           min(acc_date) over (partition by user_id, book_id) as min_acc_date
    from user_book_details ubd;

    This might be preferable to trying to keep it up-to-date in the table.