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LiveCharts CartesianChart only showing a single value from each series

I have a pretty simple chart: X-axis is a range of datetimes (30 minute intervals) and the Y-axis is just a double. There are two series: MainSeries and CheckSeries.

No matter what I do, the chart will only show a single value:

chart with only first value from each series

This is how I am constructing my chart:

Dim MainSeries As New GColumnSeries With {
        .Title = "Main",
        .ColumnPadding = 1,
        .Fill = New SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(blue.A, blue.R, blue.G, blue.B)),
        .Values = New GearedValues(Of Double)(MainValues)

    Dim CheckSeries As New GColumnSeries With {
        .Title = "Check",
        .ColumnPadding = 1,
        .Fill = New SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(grey.A, grey.R, grey.G, grey.B)),
        .Values = New GearedValues(Of Double)(CheckValues)

    chtMain.Series = New SeriesCollection From {

    chtMain.AxisX.Add(New Axis With {
        .Title = "DateTime",
        .Labels = LogDates,
        .Unit = 1,
        .MinRange = 48,
        .MaxRange = 340

    'Tried adding this to AxisX but doesn't make any difference
    '.LabelFormatter = Function(value) New DateTime(CLng(value * TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30).Ticks)).ToString("t"),

    chtMain.AxisY.Add(New Axis With {
        .Title = "Consumption",
        .LabelFormatter = Function(value) value.ToString("N"),
        .MinValue = 0,
        .MaxValue = yAxisMax + 10

Each series has 289 values in my test example. You can also notice that the Y-axis maximum is set appropriately for the other data which isn't visible. Otherwise I'd expect the maximum to be around 50.

I've tried all combinations of Unit, MinRange, MaxRange on the X-axis and none of them made any difference whatsoever.

Any ideas?


  • I eventually hit the right combination of properties.

    The AxisX.LabelFormatter needed to be a function which converted to a DateTime in half-hour increments, but I also had to to MinValue and MaxValue without MinRange or MaxRange. It appears the Range properties overwrite the Value properties.

    So my X-axis now looks like this:

    chtMain.AxisX.Add(New Axis With {
                .Title = "DateTime",
                .Labels = LogDates,
                .LabelFormatter = Function(value) New DateTime(CLng(value)).ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm"),
                .MinValue = 0,
                .MaxValue = 48