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CMD to iterate and recursively rename all filenames and append the current subdirectory folder to the current filename

This command in cmd renames all files in the current directory

for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('dir /b') do ren "%a" "00_%a"

But I need to get the current subdirectory name (folder name only) and append that to the %a

It should loop through all the subdirectories in the parent folder.

I have Path C:\Temp\Photos_ToRename with following folders and files

NVA-1234 (this is a subdirectory name)
--- IMG_0999.jpg (rename to NVA-1234_IMG_0999.jpg)
--- IMG_0989.jpg (rename to NVA-1234_IMG_0989.jpg)
--- IMG_0979.jpg (rename to NVA-1234_IMG_0979.jpg)

NVS-3456 (this is a subdirectory name)
--- IMG_1999.jpg (rename to NVS-3456_IMG_1999.jpg)
--- IMG_1989.jpg (rename to NVS-3456_IMG_1989.jpg)
--- IMG_1979.jpg (rename to NVS-3456_IMG_1979.jpg)

NVS-3359 (this is a subdirectory name)
--- IMG_2999.jpg (rename to NVS-3359_IMG_2999.jpg)
--- IMG_2989.jpg (rename to NVS-3359_IMG_2989.jpg)
--- IMG_2979.jpg (rename to NVS-3359_IMG_2979.jpg)



  • This should do the trick without string manipulation and with iteration of the needed directory hierarchy depth only ‐ code for direct usage in Command Prompt:

    for /D %J in ("C:\Temp\Photos_ToRename\*") do @pushd "%~J" && ((for /F "delims= eol=|" %I in ('dir /B /A:-D-H-S "*.jpg"') do @ren "%I" "%~nxJ_%I") & popd)

    Code for usage within a batch file (with comments):

    @echo off
    rem // Iterate only the required directory hierarchy depth:
    for /D %%J in ("C:\Temp\Photos_ToRename\*") do (
        rem // Change into the currently iterated sub-directory:
        pushd "%%~J" && (
            rem /* Iterate through matching files; the `for /F` loop together with `dir` is
            rem    mandatory here and cannot be replaced by a simple standard `for` loop like
            rem    `for %%I in ("*.jpg") do`, because then, files might become renamed twice
            rem    since `for` does not build the complete file list prior to looping, but
            rem    `for /F` does as it awaits the full output of the `dir` command: */
            for /F "delims= eol=|" %%I in ('dir /B /A:-D-H-S "*.jpg"') do (
                rem // Actually rename the currently iterated file:
                ren "%%I" "%%~nxJ_%%I"
            rem // Return from sub-directory: