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d3Force's d3.forceLink error: node not found: <node id here>

I see this related solution D3js Force Directed Graph Link not found

yet I get the error in the title - "VM2128 d3-force-3d:2 Uncaught Error: node not found: golfing_4_1"

function setNodeId(node) {
  return; }

Graph.d3Force('link', d3.forceLink(graphData.links)
  .id( (d,i) => setNodeId(d) )
  // .strength( d => linkStrength(d) )

apparently(?) using version 2.1.1 of d3-force. Perhaps not even d3 itself

the minimally reproducible code:

const graphData = {
  nodes: [{
      id: "Alice"
      id: "Bob"
      id: "George"
  links: [{
      source: "Alice",
      target: "George"
      source: "George",
      target: "Bob"

const elem = document.getElementById('3d-graph');
const Graph = ForceGraph3D()(elem)

function setNodeId(node) {

function linkStrength(link) {
  return (1 / link.sourceLevel);
Graph.d3Force('link', d3.forceLink(graphData.links)
  .id((d, i) => setNodeId(d))
  // .distance(200)
  // .strength( d => linkStrength(d) )
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="3d-graph"></div>


  • The underlying problem was that you needed to pass the entire graphData to your d3.forceLink function, not just However, I think the following solution is cleaner:

    From the documentation of 3d-force-graph for Graph.d3Force():

    Getter/setter for the internal forces that control the d3 simulation engine. Follows the same interface as d3-force-3d's simulation.force. Three forces are included by default: 'link' (based on forceLink), 'charge' (based on forceManyBody) and 'center' (based on forceCenter).

    This means that you can call the function with only a string 'link' and you get an object of type d3-force-3d.forceLink, which is automatically applied and thus automatically has access to the right graphData. Then, you can set just like you did, but you can also set it later.

    const graphData = {
      nodes: [{
          id: "Alice"
          id: "Bob"
          id: "George"
      links: [{
          source: "Alice",
          target: "George"
          source: "George",
          target: "Bob"
    const elem = document.getElementById('3d-graph');
    const Graph = ForceGraph3D()(elem)
    function setNodeId(node) {
    const linkForce = Graph.d3Force('link')
      .id((d, i) => setNodeId(d));
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="3d-graph"></div>