I am using Spatie Laravel-multitenancy . With the following code i am creating a new tenant, then a database and after that using the artisan command provied by the package to migrate the particular tenant database. Everything is working fine . Tenant , database even migration has been done . But after that it shows error as below.
try {
if ($this->isTenantExists($this->domain)) {
throw new Exception("Error Processing Request", 1);
$tenant = Tenant::create([
'name' => $this->name,
'domain' => $this->domain,
'database' => $this->database,
if ($this->isDatabaseExists($this->database)) {
throw new Exception("Error Processing Request", 1);
$charset = config("database.connections.mysql.charset", 'utf8mb4');
$collation = config("database.connections.mysql.collation", 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci');
config(["database.connections.mysql.database" => null]);
$query = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $this->database CHARACTER SET $charset COLLATE $collation;";
Artisan::call("tenants:artisan migrate --tenant={$tenant->id}");
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
It was a session_driver issue. It works when i changed session driver to file on env file.