As per the official docs, I should be able to to use
def main [ &rest _ ]
I tried the example in a let block :
(import argparse)
(require [hy.contrib.walk [let]])
(def main [&rest _]
(let [parser (argparse.ArgumentParser)]
(.add-argument parser "STRING"
:help "string to replicate")
(.add-argument parser "-n" :type int :default 3
:help "number of copies")
(setv args (parser.parse_args))
(print (* args.STRING args.n))
But I see the following error :
... trace
NameError: name 'hyx_def' is not defined
Oddly enough, the codeblock which prints the string 'n' times, works fine. The error appears at the end however.
As per this link : , def has been completely removed.
So what should I use to declare a main function ?
is the correct form. The below works :
(import argparse)
(require [hy.contrib.walk [let]])
(defmain [&rest _]
(let [parser (argparse.ArgumentParser)]
(.add-argument parser "STRING"
:help "string to replicate")
(.add-argument parser "-n" :type int :default 3
:help "number of copies")
(setv args (parser.parse_args))
(print (* args.STRING args.n))