I'm bit stuck how to rewrite following strict-evaluated list comprehension to use seq instead of bang pattern:
zipWith' f l1 l2 = [ f e1 e2 | (!e1, !e2) <- zip l1 l2 ]
Any idea ?
I've tried
zipWith' f l1 l2 = [ e1 `seq` e2 `seq` f e1 e2 | (e1, e2) <- zip l1 l2 ]
but this unfortunately does not force an evaluation to WHNF.
You can mechanically translate bang patterns into calls to seq
following the GHC
zipWith' f l1 l2 = [ f e1 e2 | (!e1, !e2) <- zip l1 l2 ]
Becomes Too lazy:
zipWith' f l1 l2 =
[ f e1 e2
| e <- zip l1 l2
, let t = case e of (x,y) -> x `seq` y `seq` (x,y)
, let e1 = fst t
, let e2 = snd t
Which is more concisely written as (too lazy):
zipWith' f l1 l2 =
[ f e1 e2
| e <- zip l1 l2
, let (e1,e2) = case e of (x,y) -> x `seq` y `seq` (x,y)
Though I'd write it as (wrong, too lazy)
zipWith' f l1 l2 = zipWith (\x y -> uncurry f (k x y)) l1 l2
k x y = x `seq` y `seq` (x, y)
You could also move the strictness hint to a data structure:
data P = P !Integer !Integer
zipWith' f l1 l2 = [ f e1 e2 | P e1 e2 <- zipWith P l1 l2 ]
Or as:
zipWith' f l1 l2 = [ f e1 e2 | (e1, e2) <- zipWith k l1 l2 ]
k x y = x `seq` y `seq` (x,y)