I have converted a VB6 program to VB.Net. The program runs and seems to operate about 80% ok. I am having difficulties understanding how some of the for references work.
In VB6 I have code like
frmComms.MSComm1.PortOpen = True
' if port already used by other app then warn user and go back to initial screen
If (Err.Number = PORT_ALREADY_USED) And (GlManualCom = MANUAL) Then
MsgBox rs.LoadResString(ErrMesxxx), vbCritical + vbOKOnly, rs.LoadResString(ErrMesxyz)
Call frmSelection.RefreshSettings
Unload Me
Exit Sub
ElseIf Err.Number = INVALID_PORT_NUMBER Then ' Invalid port number
MsgBox rs.LoadResString(ErrMes19Sub), vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, rs.LoadResString(ErrMes19Title)
Call frmSelection.RefreshSettings
Unload Me
Exit Sub
ElseIf Err.Number = DEVICE_NOT_OPEN Then ' This device is not open
MsgBox rs.LoadResString(ErrMeszzz) , vbCritical
Call frmSelection.RefreshSettings
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
These frmSelection references refer to the actual object in VB6, but in Vb.Net do they refer to the object or to some static reference. In other places in the code, it will set a public variable in the VB6 form as "frmSelection.CancelFlag = True", but trying to trace the code, I can not determine that this 'frmSelection.CancelFlag' is actually affecting my code. I get the feeling that I should be using an object reference to the 'frmSelection'. Like 'objSelection = new frmSelection', then I can set the variable using the object; objSelection.CancelFlag = True.
I used a program to convert the VB6 code to VB.Net, so maybe it is ok to refer to these items 'statically'. By 'static' I mean it in the C++ sense; that you can refer to variables of a class without ever creating the class.
In VB6, I was under the impression that the first reference to a form would create and load the form, maybe that was not true. But in VB.Net if I place a break point in the form Load event, it will not stop there even though there are many places in the code that are continuously using functions of the form.
I have tried to convert some of the frmXYZ references to objXYZ to see if that changes the outcome, but that did not appear to. I created a completely global variable instead of using the public variable in the form and that did work.
how the forms work in vb.net and VB6 are very similar. Often in .net, you will see code that creates a instance of the form, and then shows it. But, you can still use the VB6 type of approach, and use the "base" instance class.
So, you can go like this:
So, that will create a isntance of that form, and load it.
Now in any other code in any other form, you can go:
Form2.TextBox1.Text = "Hello"
So, in this regards, you are just fine.
Where your problem going to be is in regards to the MS-Comm object/control you using on that form for the serial communication parts.
Often (even in VB6), in code you could and would create a instance of that ms-comm object. But in a lot of cases, to save having to create that instance, then you dropped a ms-comm control on that form. That's where the heavy lifting and work needs to occur for your code.
So, from a general code approach point of view? You really don't' have to much if at all change your coding style and approach from what you were using in VB6.
Where the "big" change will occur is that you don't have a ActiveX ms-comm control, and thus that's where you need to address and change and work on, and give some care and love.
So, to show a form, you can create a instance, and display it. Or you can in fact just launch the form and a instance is created for you.
So, it really depends on how you open the form. I would not bother to change code, and just shows form.show() to launch forms.
You need to re-build and create code for the serial port communication. That's where your BIG change will occur. The ms-comm control in VB6 was (easy) since it could wire up code events on that form. That's where you big code change will occur. So for 99% of your general forms and code? You don't have to change much code. Where the challenge will occur is that you don't have a ActiveX serial com control. You need to re-build how that works since you don't have that ms-com ActiveX control on that form.
So, get up to speed with how to use serial communication in .net - without that simple ms-com control, then that code will need a re-write. Lots of articles can be found - say like this one: