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Rails & simple_form // No route matches [PATCH] "/spots.10"

An error raise when i try to update the model. spot

No route matches [PATCH] "/spots.7"

i use Rails 6, bootstrap and the gem simple_form

i've created manualy the config/routes.rb and the form is comon to new.html.erb and edit.html.erb


  index GET    /spots(.:format)               spots#index
    new GET    /spots/new(.:format)           spots#new
  spots POST   /spots(.:format)               spots#create
   edit GET    /spots/show/:id/edit(.:format) spots#edit
 update PATCH  /spots/:id(.:format)           spots#update
   show GET    /spots/show/:id(.:format)      spots#show
 delete DELETE /spots/:id(.:format)           spots#destroy


class SpotsController < ApplicationController
  before_action :set_spot, only: [:show, :destroy, :edit, :update]

  def index
    @spots = Spot.all

  def show

  def new
    @spot =

  def create
    @spot =
    redirect_to index_path

  def edit

  def update
    redirect_to index_path

  def destroy

    redirect_to index_path


  def spot_params
    params.require(:spot).permit(:name, etc...)

  def set_spot
    @spot = Spot.find(params[:id])


view - edit.html.erb

<div class="container">


    <%= render "form", spot: @spot %>


the partial _form

#HERE, i think, it come from this underline, the url passed as argument is bad 
    <%= simple_form_for (spot), url:(spot.new_record? ? spots_path : spots_path(spot)) do |f| %> 
      <%= f.input :name %>

      <%= f.submit %>
    <% end %>

i've tried multiples things. Simple_form_for action hitting wrong URL on edit in rails

Path helpers generate paths with dots instead of slashes

Rails creating malformed routes with dots

the singularisation spot_path(spot) give me an error too.

i think, i'm close but i can't see my error!

Many thanks


  • Your mistake is in your path helper: spots_path is generating the route to spots#index so "/spots". If you give an argument to it like so: spots_path(spot) all the path helper method can do is append it to the path, therefore it generates "/spots.10".

    If you're generating the 7 CRUD (create, read, update, destroy) routes in Rails, you should use resources :spots in routes.rb and not do it manually. This will also generate the right prefixes for the path helper which you can find when you use the command rails routes in your terminal.

    On top of that: The routes you created are not entirely correct, show is just spots/:id for example (same for edit). But I guess this didn't work (it's because if you create the routes manually, the show route needs to be defined above the new route or it will confuse it with new).

    As for the form, you do not need to create the url by hand, Rails' form helpers take care of generating the right route depending if the record is new or not, so just <%= simple_form_for (spot) do |f| %> will suffice.