So ... Am writing a code that makes a Matrix table then calculate how many ( uppercase Letter , Lowercase Letter , Numbers , Symbols )
That's the code i tried :
def Proc_Affiche(T,P,X):
Nb_Maj = 0
Nb_Min = 0
Nb_chiffre = 0
Nb_symbole = 0
for i in range(P):
for j in range(X):
if T[i] in ["A","Z"]:
Nb_Maj = Nb_Maj + 1
elif T[i] in ["a","z"] :
Nb_Min = Nb_Min + 1
elif T[i] in range(1,9):
Nb_chiffre = Nb_chiffre + 1
else :
Nb_symbole = Nb_symbole + 1
print("Nb_Maj= ",Nb_Maj)
print("Nb_Min= ",Nb_Min)
print("Nb_chiffre= ",Nb_chiffre)
print("Nb_symbole= ",Nb_symbole)
So the Output should be like that :
Nb_Maj= ...
Nb_Min= ...
Nb_chiffre= ...
Nb_symbole= ...
The Problem is on the part of intervals Like ["A","Z"]
Strings have some functions you can use to check what they contain
is true for letters.isnumeric()
is true for numbers.isalnum()
is true for letters and numbers.isupper()
is true for uppercaseThus you could do something like
if T[i].isalpha():
if T[i].isupper():
Nb_Maj += 1
Nb_Min += 1
elif T[i].isnumeric():
Nb_chiffre += 1
Nb_symbole += 1