Search code examples

Printing two-dimentional table

I have a SAS table that looks something like that:

  Mark  Country   Type  Count   Price

1 Mark1 Country1  type1   1     1.50 
2 Mark1 Country1  type2   5     21.00 
3 Mark1 Country1  type3   NA     NA 
4 Mark2 Country2  type1   2     197.50 
5 Mark2 Country2  type2   2     201.00 
6 Mark2 Country2  type3   1     312.50

I need to print two-dimentional statistics:

       Country1   Country2 
Type1    ...        ...  
Type2    ...        ...   
Type3    ...        ... 

where each sell looks like: price_max(count_sum)

Getting price_max in the cell is quite easy with proc tabulate

proc tabulate data=final_cars format=5.;
    class type country;
    var price count;
    table type, country*price*max; 

But the question is how to put (count_sum) in each cell as well?


  • If I understand the question correctly, you can simply use PROC SQL:

    proc sql;
      create table output as select distinct type,country,
      put(max(price),5.)||'('||put(sum(count),5.)||')' as price_count from have
      group by type,country
      order by type;
    proc transpose data=output out=output1;
      by type;
      id country;
      var price_count;
    proc print data=output1(drop=_name_) noobs;

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