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$ is not a valid function in a Chrome Extension?

So I'm going to publish my Tampermonkey userscript (It's a button to get you to a random link in the list) to the Chrome Web Store, I have been testing it today and I got an error:

Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
    at Chain Finder.user.js:258
    at Chain Finder.user.js:261

If you want to take a look at my script:

(function() {
    const $ = window.$;

    var randomLink = function () {
        // Beggining of target list
        var links = [
            // More links.... but I cut them so it's easier to understand.

        // End of target list
        // by counting the number of links in the array
        var max = (links.length)

        // now generate a random number
        var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*max);

        // use that random number to retrieve a link from the array
        var link = links[randomNumber];

        // change the location of the window object
        return "https://" + link;

    // Opens a new tab.
    function openInNewTab(url) {
        var win =, '_blank');

    function main() {
        $('.buttons-list').append(`<a id="mc-btn" href="#" class="profile-button" style="width:99px;text-align:center">
                  <img src=''>
        $('#mc-btn').on('click', () => openInNewTab(randomLink()));

    //Here's the error:

    $(document).ready(() => {

If you could tell me what's wrong in there, I will be very grateful.

Edit: I've learned JavaScript. It all seems so easy now! Thank you for the help either way.


  • Make sure that somewhere in your script that you include these two lines of code, put var $ = window.jQuery; above where you code starts, and put // @require somewhere up top with the rest of the // lines.


    // ==UserScript==
    // @name         Example
    // @namespace
    // @version      0.1
    // @description
    // @author       Username
    // @require
    // @grant GM_addStyle
    // @grant GM.listValues
    // @grant GM_setValue
    // @grant GM_getValue
    // @match *
    // @match https://*/*
    // @match http://*/*
    // @match *://*/*
    // ==/UserScript==
    (function() {
        'use strict';
        // Your code here...
    var $ = window.jQuery;