I am trying to list all VMs that exist under all projects associated with my account, including their OS and any other tag I can find. I have a list with the projects already so what I am using is:
for project in project_df["project_id"]:
subprocess.run(["gcloud config set project {}".format(project)], shell=True)
cp = subprocess.run(["gcloud compute instances os-inventory list-instances"], shell=True)
This does work, but the only labels I get are:
How can I get the OS of the VMs? And possible more tags? I tried using:
GET https://compute.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/{project}/aggregated/instances, without success since I couldn't make requests
or urllib
work with it.
Is there any other python library from the sdk or another gcloud command that I am missing?
Based on @DazWilkin 's answer, what worked for my case was the following:
I ran gcloud compute instances list --format=flattened
that showed me many (if not all) possible labels. Then I found the ones that don't appear when you run gcloud compute instances list
, and ran the following to get what I wanted:
gcloud compute instances list --format="csv(name, zone, labels.compute_machine_type, canIpForward, labels.os, creationTimestamp, status)" > compute_info.csv
This way I also avoided using the compute API.