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Strapi send email to all administrators

Let's say we have a contact form connected with Strapi backend. Every form submit creates a new model entry and everything's fine except we need to notify administrators about new form submission. So in api/message/model.js we add a custom lifecycle method:

module.exports = {
  lifecycles: {
    async afterCreate(result, data) {
      await strapi.plugins["email"]{
        to: [/* Here a list of administrator email addresses should be. How to get it? */],
        from: "",
        subject: "New message from contact form",
        text: `
          Yay! We've got a new message.
          User's name: ${}.
          Phone: ${}.
          Email: ${}.
          Message: ${result.text}.

          You can also check it out in Messages section of admin area.

But I don't understand how to get administrator email addresses.

I've tried to query admins data like


But it does not work.


  • Ok, I got it. The model name is strapi::user. So the whole lifecycle hook may look like

    module.exports = {
      lifecycles: {
        async afterCreate(result, data) {
          const administrators = await strapi.query("strapi::user").find({
            isActive: true,
            blocked: false,
            "roles.code": "strapi-super-admin",
          const emails = =>;
          await strapi.plugins["email"]{
            to: emails,
            from: "",
            subject: "New message from contact form",
            text: `
              Yay! We've got a new message.
              User's name: ${}.
              Phone: ${}.
              Email: ${}.
              Message: ${result.text}.
              You can also check it out in Messages section of admin area.