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TensorFlow gradient of matrix wrt a matrix is not making sense

Let's say i have two matrix tf_t (shape : 5x3 ) and tf_b ( shape : 3x3). y_tf = tf.matmul(tf_t, tf_b) and then I've computed dy/dt using tf.gradient api

import tensorflow as tf

mat = [[0.8363, 0.4719, 0.9783],
        [0.3379, 0.6548, 0.3835],
        [0.7846, 0.9173, 0.2393],
        [0.5418, 0.3875, 0.4276],
        [0.0948, 0.2637, 0.8039]]

another_mat = [[ 0.43842274 ,-0.53439844, -0.07710262],
               [ 1.5658046,  -0.1012345 , -0.2744976 ],
               [ 1.4204658 ,  1.2609464,  -0.43640924]]

tf_t = tf.Variable(tf.convert_to_tensor(mat))
tf_b = tf.Variable(tf.convert_to_tensor(another_mat))

with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
  y_tf = tf.matmul(tf_t, tf_b)
  y_t0 = y_tf[0,0]

# dy = 2x * dx
dy_dx = tape.gradient(y_tf, tf_t)

I am getting below matrix as dy/dx

[[-0.17307831  1.1900724   2.245003  ]
 [-0.17307831  1.1900724   2.245003  ]
 [-0.17307831  1.1900724   2.245003  ]
 [-0.17307831  1.1900724   2.245003  ]
 [-0.17307831  1.1900724   2.245003  ]], shape=(5, 3), dtype=float32)

The above matrix does not look right. because for the element y_tf[0,0]

Note : y_tf[0,0] = tf_t[0,0]*tf_b[0,0] + tf_t[0,1]*tf_b[1,0] + tf_t[0,2]*tf_b[2,0]

if I perform

tape.gradient(y_t0, tf_t)

I get the matrix like this

[[0.43842274 1.5658046  1.4204658 ]
 [0.         0.         0.        ]
 [0.         0.         0.        ]
 [0.         0.         0.        ]
 [0.         0.         0.        ]], shape=(5, 3), dtype=float32)

The 1st row above is 1st column of matrix tf_b which makes sense given how matrix multiplication works and If I were, to sum up, those numbers it's going to be 3.424693 However, the result I got as dy_dx it has it's first element dy_dx[0,0] as -0.17307831 which is a summation of 1st row of tf_b ( sum(tf_b[0,:]) !!

So can anyone please explain hows the gradient of tf_y[0,0] wrt tf_x is reduced to -0.17307831 and not 3.424693?

The question could appear similar to this but the answer I'm looking for is not addressed there with a clear picture.


  • The key notion to understand here is that tf.gradients computes the gradients of the sum of the output(s) with respect to the input(s). That is dy_dx represents the scale by which the sum of all elements of y_tf changes as each element of tf_t changes.

    So, if you take tf_t[0, 0], that value is used to compute y_tf[0, 0], y_tf[0, 1] and y_tf[0, 2], in each case with coefficients tf_b[0, 0], tf_b[0, 1] and tf_b[0, 2]. So, if I increased tf_t[0, 0] by one, the sum of y_tf would increase by tf_b[0, 0] + tf_b[0, 1] + tf_b[0, 2], which is the value of dy_dx[0, 0]. Continuing with the same reasoning, each value tf_t[i, j] is in fact multiplied by all the values in tf_b[j, :], so dy_dx is a repetition of the sum of the rows of tf_b.

    When you compute the gradient of y_t0 with respect to tf_t, then changes in tf_t[0, 0] would change the sum of the result by a factor of tf_b[0, 0], so that is the value of the gradient in that case.