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How to use tensorflow Attention layer?

I am trying to understand how to use the tf.keras.layers.Attention shown here:

Tensorflow Attention Layer

I am trying to use it with encoder decoder seq2seq model. Below is my code:

encoder_inputs = Input(shape=(max_len_text,)) 
enc_emb = Embedding(x_voc_size, latent_dim,trainable=True)(encoder_inputs) 
encoder_lstm=LSTM(latent_dim, return_state=True, return_sequences=True) 
encoder_outputs, state_h, state_c= encoder_lstm(enc_emb) 

decoder_inputs = Input(shape=(max_len_summary,)) 
dec_emb_layer = Embedding(y_voc_size, latent_dim,trainable=True) 
dec_emb = dec_emb_layer(decoder_inputs) 

decoder_lstm = LSTM(latent_dim, return_sequences=True, return_state=True) 
decoder_outputs,decoder_fwd_state, decoder_back_state = decoder_lstm(dec_emb,initial_state=[state_h, state_c]) 

My question is, how to use the given Attention layer in keras with this model? I am not able to understand their document.


  • If you are using RNN, I would not recommend using the above class.

    While analysing tf.keras.layers.Attention Github code to better understand your conundrum, the first line I could come across was - "This class is suitable for Dense or CNN networks, and not for RNN networks"

    I would recommend writing your own seq to seq model which can be done with less than a dozen lines of code. For e.g.:

    To write your own custom attention layer(based on whether you prefer Bahdanau, Luong, Raffel, Yang etc), perhaps this post outlining a basic essence may help: Custom Attention Layer using in Keras