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Azure Artifacts - Sharing project-scoped feeds with other projects

We have a number of projects within my organisation. One such project has created a project-scoped Azure Artifact feed that they wish to share with our other projects.

However, when the other projects access their Artifacts page, from the feed drop-down they can only see the "Organization scoped feeds" and nothing under "Project-scoped feeds". What do we need to do make this feed visible and available to the other projects, particularly for use in their pipelines.

I'm at a loss, as I've drawn a complete blank so far.


  • According to the doc: To see a project-scoped feed in the list you have to be navigated to the project the feed is scoped to. We could know that we cannot see the project-scoped feed in another project.

    particularly for use in their pipelines.

    When connecting to a private project scoped feed from an Azure DevOps pipeline that is in the same organization but in a different project, the project that the feed is scoped to must allow access to the other project's build service. The build service must also be separately added to the feed permissions, regardless of the scope of the feed.

    1. Add build service account: Build service account is Project Collection Build Service (Org name), we need configure feed permission in the project-scoped feed for this service. then we could access the project-scoped feed in the pipeline.

    enter image description here

    1. We also need open project settings->settings and ensure the option Limit job authorization scope to current project for non-release pipelines and Limit job authorization scope to current project for release pipelines is disabled. We could refer to the pic below.

    enter image description here

    Then we could access and use the project-scoped feed in another project pipeline.