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Natural cubic spline using patsy cr

I am trying to make natural cubic spline using patsy library. Here is my code:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from patsy import cr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = df.age #some data
y = df.wage

x_basis = cr(x, df=15)
model = LinearRegression().fit(x_basis, y)
y_hat = model.predict(x_basis)
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.plot(x, y_hat, 'r')

The output is the following: enter image description here

I believe that there should be one line. How can I solve the issue?


  • This is just a plotting issue. The plt.plot function draws by default a line plot without markers. Since your data is not sorted by x variable, the line jumps back and forth making the result look messy. I generated sample data and plotted with plt.plot defaults and then by hiding the line, and adding markers. The results are

    With default plt.plot arguments

    Rest of the code below (not repeated for convenience)

    spline_basis =, df=3)
    model = LinearRegression().fit(spline_basis, y)
    y_spline = model.predict(spline_basis)
    plt.scatter(x, y)
    plt.plot(x, y_spline, color="red")

    enter image description here

    With plt.plot when marker='.' and ls=''

    Rest of the code below (not repeated for convenience)

    spline_basis =, df=3)
    model = LinearRegression().fit(spline_basis, y)
    y_spline = model.predict(spline_basis)
    plt.scatter(x, y)
    plt.plot(x, y_spline, ls="", marker=".", color="red") # Only this changed

    enter image description here

    By reordering data

    Rest of the code below (not repeated for convenience)
    If you want to draw a line plot, you could just reorder the data for fitting, like this:

    spline_basis =, df=3)
    model = LinearRegression().fit(spline_basis, y)
    y_spline = model.predict(spline_basis)
    plt.scatter(x, y)
    xsorted, ysorted = zip(*[(X, Y) for (X, Y) in sorted(zip(x, y_spline))]) # simple reordering
    plt.plot(xsorted, ysorted, color="red")

    enter image description here

    By using new data for prediction

    Usually, models are created for prediction. The idea is to create model with training data and then use the model with some new data. This new data can be anything. If it is sorted, it can be plotted as lineplot. In this case, you can create new x-values, for example

    new_x = np.linspace(10, 100, 100)

    and calculate the predicted y-values for them. For this, you need to know (and save) only few values. Actually, just df, lower_bound, upper_bound and the 4 floats from model._coef.

    # Fit model
    spline_basis =, df=3, lower_bound=x.min(), upper_bound=x.max())
    model = LinearRegression().fit(spline_basis, y)
    y_train = model.predict(spline_basis)
    # Use model
    new_x = np.linspace(10, 100, 100)  # 100 points
    spline_basis_new =, df=3, lower_bound=x.min(), upper_bound=x.max())
    new_y = model.predict(spline_basis_new)
    plt.scatter(x, y)
    plt.plot(x, y_train, color="red", ls="", marker=".")
    plt.plot(new_x, new_y, color="green")

    enter image description here

    Rest of the code

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import patsy
    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
    def dummy_data():
        x = np.random.choice(np.arange(18, 81), size=4000)
        def model(x):
            a = 83 / 107520
            b = -895 / 5376
            c = 17747 / 1680
            d = -622 / 7
            return a * x ** 3 + b * x ** 2 + c * x + d
        def noisemodel(x):
            an = -0.0591836734693878
            bn = 5.25510204081633
            cn = -31.6326530612245
            return an * x ** 2 + bn * x + cn
        y = model(x)
        ynoise = np.array([np.random.randn() * noisemodel(_) for _ in x])
        return x, y + ynoise
    x, y = dummy_data()