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JAXB retrieve inner element with namespace (returns blank)

I want to unmarshal



data class Item(val author:String)

if possible, by reading author/name into author field directly. If not possible in clean/simple way, i want to create Author class with name field, as below. In below code, is empty, but it should not be. Why is it empty?

Sample XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss xmlns:a10="" version="2.0">
    <channel xmlns:os="">
            <pubDate>Fri, 06 Nov 2020 07:59:27 Z</pubDate>

All model classes:

@XmlRootElement(name = "rss", namespace = "")
data class Rss(val channel: RssChannel?) {

    constructor() : this(channel = null)

@XmlRootElement(name = "channel", namespace = "")
data class RssChannel  (val link: String,
                        val title: String,
                        val description: String,
                        @field:XmlElement(namespace = "")
                        val totalResults: Int,
                        @field:XmlElement(name = "item")
                        val items: List<Item>?) {

    constructor() : this(link = "", title = "", description = "", totalResults = 0, items = null)

data class Item( val title: String,
                 val description: String,
                 val link: String,
                 @field:XmlElement(namespace = "")
                 val author: Author,
                 val pubDate: String) {

    constructor() : this(title = "", description = "", link = "", author = Author(), pubDate = "")

data class Author(@XmlElement(namespace = "")
                  val name: String) {

    constructor() : this(name = "")


  • 1) Error was @field:XmlElement instead of @XmlElement

    This is kotlin property/field distinction error.


    data class Author(@XmlElement(namespace = "")
                      val name: String)


    data class Author(@field:XmlElement(namespace = "")
                      val name: String)

    2) Another solution using @XmlAnyElement (extra complexity)

    data class Author(@field:XmlAnyElement(lax = true)
                      val elements: MutableList<JAXBElement<String>>)
    class NameStringFactory {
        @XmlElementDecl(name = "name", namespace = "")
        fun createName(name: String): JAXBElement<String> {
            return JAXBElement<String>(QName("name"),, name)
    val jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(,...)

    But i still don't know if removing Author class and using data class Item(val author:String) instead is possible