Search code examples

SwiftUI: How do I return to same index with a Picker using SegmentedPickerStyle()

This is just me wrapping my head around ViewBuilders and the new SwiftUI paradigm.

I have a "menu" at the top of my screen along with a couple of buttons.


If I do a search (tap the magnifying glass), when I return the index always returns to 0 and the first item is selected/displayed. I want to return to the same index it was at when called away. How do I remember the index and reset it?

Here's the Main Menu:

struct TopLevelMenu: View {

/// Toggle to display the Game State (Map) on button tap
@State private var shouldShowWorldMap = false

var body: some View {
NavigationView {
    VStack {
        if shouldShowWorldMap {
            ZStack {
            } else {


struct TopLevelView: View {
   /// Tracks the sheet presentation and current play environment (continent)
    /// mapCenter, display flags, gameOver flat, current continent
    var gameState: GameState = GameState.shared
    /// Handles the game logic, turns, scoring, etc.
    var gameManager: GameManager = GameManager.shared
    /// current game modes: continent, country, capital, grid, about
    @State private var continentIndex = 0

    /// If Help or the World Map is not displayed (triggered by buttons at the top), then this is the Main Display after launch

var body: some View {
    VStack {
        Section {
            Picker(selection: $continentIndex, label: Text("N/A")) {
                ForEach(0 ..< 5) {
        SecondLevelView(continentIndex: continentIndex)


Normally I would write UIKit code to save the index and restore it, but I'm unsure where such code would go since ViewBuilders aren't cooperative with inlined code. What is accepted practice?


  • I decided to go with the @AppStorage property wrapper.

    Since the picker options correspond to the raw values of an enum, I added a key to the enum (ContinentType):

    static var key = "ContinentIndex"

    Then in the View I replaced:

    @State private var continentIndex = 0


     @AppStorage(ContinentType.key) var selectedContinentIndex = 0

    This remembers the last index selected, so I can navigate away to other game modes, but when I return to this view, it remembers which continent I was working with.

    Here's the update in context:

    Section {
        Picker(selection: $selectedContinentIndex, label: Text("Continent")) {
            ForEach(0 ..< 5) {