Consider the below rows in a table
ID | Fname | Lname | Age | Weight
23 | Kareem | Benzema | 30 | 75
24 | Karim | Benzema | 32 | 75
I want to compare two rows and get difference between them. My required result would be:
ColumnName | OldValue | NewValue
ID | 23 | 24
Fname | Kareem | Karim
Age | 30 | 32
declare @t table(ID int, Fname varchar(50), Lname varchar(50), Age tinyint, Weight smallint);
insert into @t(ID, Fname, Lname, Age, Weight)
(23, 'Kareem', 'Benzema', 30, null),
(24, 'Karim', 'Benzema', 32, 75);
select r1.[key], r1.value as oldvalue, r2.value as newvalue
max(case when dt.rownum=1 then dt.thejson end) as row1,
max(case when dt.rownum=2 then dt.thejson end) as row2
row_number() over(order by /*ID ?*/ @@spid) as rownum,
(select t.* for json path, include_null_values, without_array_wrapper) thejson
from @t as t
where ID in (23, 24)--input
) as dt
) as src
cross apply openjson(src.row1) as r1
cross apply openjson(src.row2) as r2
where r1.[key] = r2.[key]
and (r1.value <> r2.value or r1.type <> r2.type) --type for null?