I wrote a simple makefile to run my code because I was asked to do so as a Deliverable I use fopen in my code,when I run the code from clion It locates the files I need normally, but when I run it from makefile it tells me that it wasn't able to find the files (my output always prints "Couldn't find ../a.txt")
-the function responsible to read (it runs normally and it could find the file if I ran it in clion) it exists in IO.c
void readPar(char *f, int *para) {
FILE *file = fopen(f, "r");
if (file == NULL) {
printf("Couldn't find %s\n", f);
fscanf(file, "row=%d col=%d", ¶[0], ¶[1]);
-my main (called matMultp.c)
int main(int argN, char **argS) {
char files[3][200] = {"../a.txt", "../b.txt", "../c.out"}; //default filenames
if (argN > 1) { //if some argN was inserted
for (int i = 1; i < argN; i++) {
else strcat(files[i-1],".txt");
int para1[2] ;
return 0;
CFLAGS=-Wall -pthread -Wextra -g -Wstack-usage=1000 -fstack-usage
LDLIBS= -lpthread
all: matMultp
matMultp: matMultp.o matUtils.o IO.o
matMultp.o: matMultp.c
matUtils.o : matUtils.c matUtils.h
IO.o : IO.c IO.h
rm -rf $(EXECUTABLE) $(OBJ)
if you want ls of my folder :
a.txt b.txt cmake-build-debug CMakeLists.txt
dockDockBuildParams.json IO.c IO.h IO.o IO.su
makefile matMultp matMultp.c matMultp.o matMultp.su
matUtils.c matUtils.h matUtils.o matUtils.su tests
Try this and see if the answer dawns onto you:
void readPar(char *f, int *para) {
FILE *file = fopen(f, "r");
if (file == NULL) {
printf("Couldn't find %s/%s\n", get_current_dir_name(), f);
fscanf(file, "row=%d col=%d", ¶[0], ¶[1]);
You will probably need to add #include <unistd.h>
as well.