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how to persist the firefox temporay addon on browser restart

I had created a chrome extension and it's working fine. So I'm trying to use the same extension in the firefox also. and I modified the configs for the firefox and made it work. Like I added the unpacked extension in chrome I added the temporary extension in firefox but the extension is disappearing when restarts the firefox browser. So after reading the documentation I set the config of the firefox and modified to

xpinstall.signatures.required  false

extensions.langpacks.signatures.required  false

after that I tried loading, then also the temporary extension is not persisting after the restart

Thanks in advance


  • I found the answer to my question

    Using web-ext

    web-ext is a node-based application that you install with the nodejs/npm tool. Install web-ext using the following command:

    npm install --global web-ext

    Signing your extension for self-distribution

    web-ext sign --api-key=$AMO_JWT_ISSUER --api-secret=$AMO_JWT_SECRET

    upload the xpi file on about:addons

    Zipped files

    zip the temporary addon and rename and modify the extension to xpi and upload to about:addons