ID pcID contractor approver claimed
1 1 one 1000 900
2 1 two 200 100
3 1 three 1000 1000
4 1 six 100 11
5 2 six 100 22
6 3 six 120 1
7 4 three 102 10
From the above table, I need to get cumulative amount for upto this month and previous month of approver and claimed and also current month approver, claimed amount based on the contractor. Like below table.
ID contractor approver claimed uptothisMTApprover uptothisMTClaimed previousMTApprover previousMTClaimed
1 one 1000 900 1000 900 0 0
2 two 200 100 200 100 0 0
3 three 102 10 1102 1010 1000 1000
4 six 120 1 320 34 200 33
Thanks in advance..
You seem to want the latest row per contractor
, as defined by pcID
, and a cumulative sum of all previous months.
You can use window functions:
select contractor, approver, claimed,
total_approver as uptothisMTApprover,
total_claimed as uptothisMTClaimed,
total_approver - approver as previousMTApprover,
total_claimed - claimed as previousMTClaimed
from (
select t.*,
row_number() over(partition by contractor order by pcID desc) rn,
sum(approver) over(partition by contractor) total_approver,
sum(claimed) over(partition by contractor) total_claimed
from mytable t
) t
where rn = 1