How can I make a 3D plot without showing the axes?
When plotting a 3d plot, Matplotlib not only draws the x, y, and z axes, it draws light gray grids on the x-y, y-z, and x-z planes. I would like to draw a "free-floating" 3D plot, with none of these elements.
Stuff I've tried:
# Doesn't work; this hides the plot, not the axes
# Doesn't do anything. Also, there's no get_zaxis() function.
Just to provide a concrete and direct example of what was mentioned at
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Draw a circle on the x=0 'wall'
p = Circle((0, 0), 1, fill=False)
art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p, zdir="x")
p = Circle((0, 0), 1, fill=False)
art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p, zdir="z")
ax.set_xlim(-1.2, 1.2)
ax.set_ylim(-1.2, 1.2)
ax.set_zlim(-1.2, 1.2)
plt.savefig('main.png', format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
Without ax.set_axis_off()
it would look like:
You will notice however that this produces an excessively large whitespace margin around the figure as it simply hides the axes but does not change the viewbox. I tried bbox_inches='tight'
and it did not help as it does in 2D. How to solve that at: Remove white spaces in Axes3d (matplotlib)
Tested on matplotlib==3.2.2.