I'm new to python and I would like to make this function faster.
this function get a string as a parameter and in output gives back a list of SE (sound element).
A 'sound element' (SE) is a maximal sequence of 1 or more consonants followed by 1 or more vowels:
NOTICE: the only exceptions are the first and the last SE of a verse, that could contain only vowels and only consonants, respectively.
If the verse is "Donàld Duck! wènt, to tHe seas'ìde to swim"
def es_converter(string):
vowels, li_es, container = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y', 'j'], [] , ''
#check for every element in the string
for i in range(len(string)):
#i is a vowel?
if not string[i] in vowels:
# No, then add it in the variable container
container += string[i]
# is the last element of the list?
if i == (len(string) - 1):
#yes, then insert inside the list li_es, container and then set it back to ''
container = ''
if string[i] == (len(string) - 1):
container = ''
#if it was the last element, we check if there are other values after i and are vowels
elif i < (len(string)-1) and string[i+1] in vowels:
#yes, add in container
container += string[i]
#no, add in container, append container on the list li_es, set container to ''
container += string[i]
container = ''
return li_es
Thanks for all the suggestions! (Unfortunately I can't use any imports)
A big source of inefficiency in your current code is that you use indices all along when iterating on your string. Rather than:
for i in range(len(data)):
x = data[i]
if data[i] == ...
you should always do:
for char in data:
x = char
if char == ...
and if you really need indices at some point, use enumerate
for i, char in enumerate(data):
and only use the indices when really needed.
I would rather use a regex here, though. Without sample data, I can't time it, but I'm certain that it would be much faster than using Python loops.
The process is:
So, you could do:
import re
import unicodedata
# from https://stackoverflow.com/a/44433664/550094
def strip_accents(text):
return unicodedata.normalize('NFD', text)\
.encode('ascii', 'ignore')\
def se(data):
# keep only alphabetical characters
data = re.sub(r'\W', '', data)
# make lowercase
data = data.casefold()
# strip accents from the remaining data
data = strip_accents(data)
# creating the regex:
# - start of the string followed by vowels, or
# - consonants followed by vowels, or
# - consonants followed by end of string
vowels = 'aeiouy'
se_regex = re.compile(rf'^[{vowels}]+|[^{vowels}]+[{vowels}]+|[^{vowels}]+$')
# return the SEs
return se_regex.findall(data)
Sample run (I added a vowel at the start of your string to test this case):
data = "A Donàld Duck! wènt, to tHe seas'ìde to swim"
# ['a', 'do', 'na', 'lddu', 'ckwe', 'ntto', 'the', 'sea', 'si', 'de', 'to', 'swi', 'm']