When running the following program a video is downloaded however it appears there is no sound. Can someone help me to fix it?
from pytube import YouTube
path = '/home/15g2leve'
url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyQjVtIGQg8"
resol = "1080p"
file_type = "mp4"
video = YouTube(url)
Streams = video.streams
vid = Streams.filter(res = resol, file_extension = file_type).first()
"You may notice that some streams listed have both a video codec and audio codec, while others have just video or just audio, this is a result of YouTube supporting a streaming technique called Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)." refs
So, you can use streams.filter(progressive=True).all()
to get videos which contains both video & audio (vcodec, acodec info) or you download video and audio. After that, use a tool such as FFmpeg to merge audio into video.