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C++ Xcode build failure, errno.h not fount

I am working on learning c++ and tried to build a simple hello world program in Xcode (MacOS Catalina). It is a Command line program. I followed the prompt on Xcode and accepted all the default parameters then created a cppfile with the following code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>

int main(){
    std::cout<< "hello";
    return 0;

This doesn't compile and gives me a Lexical or Prepreocessor error:

/Applications/ 'errno.h' file not found

As well as two semantic errors: /Applications/ No member named 'strcpy' in the global namespace

/Applications/ No member named 'strcat' in the global namespace

From what I can tell these issues are linked to including IOStream. I don't understand why they are happening though I have written c++ using visual studio on a windows machine before and never had this issue. Ive never had so much difficulty with a hello world program before.


I created a new project in Xcode and it worked in the new one. I am not sure what mistake I made the first time.


  • My project was a framework instead of an Xcode project. I discovered this by looking under the products folder and seeing it was .framework instead of .app.