How can I manually map apollo custom scalars to client side types?
I wan't to change the type which is associated with a Field Policy. (I am trying to essentially do this, i.e. manually add support for a custom scalar type). The value from the server is a string
but I wan't to convert it to a JS Data (more specifically a luxon
I have a schema like this:
export interface SomeType {
__typename: "SomeType";
created: GraphQLDateTime;
I have a field policy like this:
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
const cache = new InMemoryCache({
typePolicies: {
SomeType: {
fields: {
created: {
read: (created: string): DateTime => DateTime.fromISO(created)
I have a graphqlScalars.d.ts
type file to provide mapping of custom types to JS types:
type GraphQLDateTime = string
I am unable to switch my type definition file to something like as it causes import issues:
type GraphQLDateTime = DateTime
The problem is, the field resolver works as expected (i.e. it converts my ISO8601 string into a luxon
) but the TS
typing system (because of the graphqlScalars.d.ts
type definition) expects created
to be a string
so DateTime
typings are not available on it.
This is the typing of the read
export declare type FieldReadFunction<TExisting = any, TReadResult = TExisting> = (existing: SafeReadonly<TExisting> | undefined, options: FieldFunctionOptions) => TReadResult | undefined;
How can I manually map apollo custom scalars to client side types?
Referencing this TS
issue I was able to manually map my type in the following way using import syntax:
type GraphQLDateTime = import('@types/luxon').DateTime
Now in my code created
(that has been converted via a FieldPolicy
is converted to the correct typing.