I'm trying to use this command to get all running processes
wmic /output:C:\\ProcessList.txt process get caption
When I run this in cmd it works and outputs everything to the specified file.
When I try running this with Python I get an error saying:
Invalid file name.
I tried running it with os.system and subprocess.call, but both return an error.
os.system('wmic /output:C:\\ProcessList.txt process get caption')
subprocess.call('wmic /output:C:\\ProcessList.txt process get caption')
I also tried using raw strings.
os.system(r'wmic /output:C:\ProcessList.txt process get caption')
subprocess.call(r'wmic /output:C:\ProcessList.txt process get caption')
But nothing worked so far.
helped me reach the answer. The code from his answer gave me the real error. My code was giving me Invalid file name.
His code returned: Permission denied: C\\ProcessList.txt
.So it was a permission problem. I just ran my IDE with admin rights and it worked.
To avoid having to run my IDE in administrator mode all the time, I just buried the file into Documents, so I don't need admin privileges to access it.