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Get entity name from Core Data record stored in Cloudkit

I have a Core Data Model with 3 entities: Employee, Athlete, and Therapist. Employee is an abstract entity, and as such I've marked Employee as the other two entity's parent in Xcode. The Codegen for each entity is set to Class Definition. Right now I'm writing logic that...

  1. Fetches all Employee records [working]
  2. Loops over each record [working]
  3. Gets the record's entity name
  4. Displays a different SwiftUI view based on the entity name

I'm stuck on 3. I've read through Apple's documentation and see that Cloudkit adds an attribute to each record called CD_entityName containing the appropriate String ("Athlete" or "Therapist") for the entity name defined in Core Data..but I'm still confused. How do I get at the record's entity name and use it to inform my View logic?

Since CD_entityName exists in CloudKit's representation of the data model, do I need to also create an attribute for CD_entityName in my Core Data model?

Below is my ContentView.swift file. When I try to build the app I get an error saying Employee has no member 'CD_entityName'.

struct ContentView: View {

    @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
    @FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Employee.date_added, ascending: false)], animation: .default)
    private var allEmployees: FetchedResults<Employee>
    // * Body * //
    var body: some View {
            List {
                ForEach(allEmployees) { employee in

                    switch employee.CD_entityName {
                        case "Athlete":
                            AthleteRowView(athlete: employee as! Athlete)
                        case "Sound":
                            TherapistRowView(therapist: employee as! Therapist)
                            print("Error: Unknown entityName for record")
    } // end Body
} // end ContentView


  • Try the following

    switch {
        case "Athlete":
            AthleteRowView(athlete: employee as! Athlete)
        case "Sound":
            TherapistRowView(therapist: employee as! Therapist)