I'm working with Symfony5
and ApiPlatform
with phpunit
for the tests
I'm running tests on field validation.
My issue comes from the fact that I want to restrain the user's possiblity to enter a blank string in a property named name
as follow :
* @ApiResource(
* attributes={
* "normalization_context"={"groups"={"cons:read", "cons:list"}},
* "denormalization_context"={"groups"={"cons:write"}}
* },
* collectionOperations={
* "get"={
* "mehtod"="GET",
* "normalization_context"={"groups"={"cons:list"}},
* },
* "post"={
* "method"="POST"
* "normalizationContext"={"groups"={"cons:write"}},
* "validationGroups"={"create"}
* }
* }
* )
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=ConsultationTypeRepository::class)
class ClassName
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @Groups({"cons:read", "cons:list", "some:read", "thing:read"})
private $id;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=false)
* @Groups({"cons:read", "cons:write", "cons:list", "some:read", "thing:read", "availability:read"})
* @Assert\NotBlank (
* groups={"create"},
* message="Le nom ne peut pas être vide."
* )
* @Assert\Length(
* max = 255,
* maxMessage = "Le nom ne peut pas excéder 255 charactères",
* allowEmptyString = false
* )
* @Assert\Regex(
* pattern="/\d/",
* match=false,
* message="Le nom ne peut pas contenir de nombre"
* )
private $name;
Here is my test :
public function testRoleAdminCanNotPostConsultationWithBlankName(): void
$body = '{ "name": ""}';
$res = $this->buildPostPutRequest(
Now I receive a 201
instead of the expected 400
While other tests concerning the regex or the length of the string return 400
as expected.
I don't understand why the NotBlank()
seem to not trigger on this test.
Any idea ?
I think this is because you've declared your post
operations attributes using camel case instead of snake case. Camel case must be used at the top-level of the ApiResource
annotation only.
Currently, you've only declared the method
of your operation. This is useless here.
Also you've declared a mehtod
property instead of method
within you GET