I am trying to create a function that encrypts plain text to cipher text using PN sequence. But I am clueless how to do it. Is someone has any kind of algorithms that can help me in creating a function that can help me to build encryption function.
This code use LFSR
shift register to get a pseudorandom sequence then xor it with plaintext to get the ciphertext. The code uses pylfsr
and numpy
from pylfsr import LFSR
# The initial state
state = [0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1]
# The LFSR polynomial use a primitive polynomail to get maximum period length
poly = [5, 4, 3, 2]
l = LFSR(fpoly=poly, initstate =state)
message = b"This is a Test Message"
ciphertext = b""
# generate all LFSR sequence
allseq = l.runFullCycle()
seq = ""
seq_index = 0
# Convert LFSR bits into a string
for x in allseq:
seq += str(x)
for counter in range(len(message)):
ran_seq = seq[seq_index: seq_index+8]
# Now encrypt by XOR convert to bytes and append to ciphertext
ciphertext += bytes([int(message[counter]) ^ int(ran_seq, 2)])
seq_index += 8 # Move sequence to Next byte
plaintext = b""
# Reset The LFSR sequence to start from beginning
seq_index = 0
for counter in range(len(ciphertext)):
ran_seq = seq[seq_index: seq_index+8]
plaintext += bytes([int(ciphertext[counter]) ^ int(ran_seq, 2)])
seq_index += 8