The following code works in Python 3.6+, not in Python 3.4.3, not sure at what release it fails. Why is this? I was under the impression that sqlalchemy would handle multiple readers/writers to a file-based db, by hiding it behind a serialiser of the calls, probably. Anyway, this is an indication that I'm not handling this right - how to insert on multiple threads, or one thread off the main thread, in versions < 3.6?
I attempted this at the sqlalchemy session()
level sqlalchemy connection pool on multiple threads
but was only able to get it to work with an engine, and now I find out only on 3.6.
def insert_inventory_table(conn, table, inventory):
conn.execute(table.insert(), inventory)
def results_table(conn, table):
q = select([table])
data = conn.execute(q).fetchall()
def main_0():
engine = create_engine('sqlite://', connect_args={'check_same_thread' : False})
conn = engine.connect()
metadata = MetaData(engine)
table = Table('inventory',
Column('item_no', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True),
Column('desc', String(255), nullable=False),
Column('volume', Integer, nullable=False)
some_inventory = [{'item_no' : 0, 'desc' : 'drone', 'volume' : 12},
{'item_no' : 1, 'desc' : 'puddle jumper', 'volume' : 2},
{'item_no' : 2, 'desc' : 'pet monkey', 'volume' : 1},
{'item_no' : 3, 'desc' : 'bowling ball', 'volume' : 4},
{'item_no' : 4, 'desc' : 'electric guitar', 'volume' : 3},
{'item_no' : 5, 'desc' : 'bookends', 'volume' : 2}]
thread_0 = threading.Thread(target=insert_inventory_table, args=(conn, table, some_inventory[0:3]))
thread_1 = threading.Thread(target=insert_inventory_table, args=(conn, table, some_inventory[3:]))
return conn, table
if __name__ == '__main__':
conn,table = main_0()
results_table(conn, table)
As pointed out, you have to use scoped session, so instead of your conn:
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session
db_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=False,
And then whenever you connect to your db in a thread, remembeer to open and close a session, you dont want sessions to be shared by threads, because this will lead to bad things, so:
def worker(sth):
session = db_session()
"do sth very important"
res = session.query(YourModel).filter(YourModel.sth = sth).first()
And then you can use such workers in your multithreaded operations. I hope it helped.