How do I reproduce the figure:
Using graphviz nodes?
I have tested several combinations of rankings, without success. Here is a working example, which is still pretty far from the objective:
digraph cohort_flow_chart {
node [fontname = Helvetica, fontsize = 12, shape = box, style = rounded, width = 4]
a[label = '1,618,937 \n hospitalisations due to alcohol\n and substence use related disorders']
d[label = '1,882,629 \n hospitalisations due to\n schizophrenia']
f[label = '780,811\n hospitalisations due to\n mood disorders']
c[label = '114 million \n Brazilian cohort']
b[label = '2,250,454 \n hospitalisations due to\n diabetes mellitus']
e[label = '19,646,098\n hospitalisations due to\n cardiovascular diseases']
g[label = '278,540\n hospitalisations due to\n tuberculossis']
{rank = same a, b}
{rank = same c, d, e}
{rank = same f, g}
You needed edges or rank=source & rank=sink to get your nodes onto different ranks.
This adds clusters to get dot to treat each column separately:
digraph cohort_flow_chart {
node [fontname = Helvetica, fontsize = 12, shape = box, style = rounded, width = 4]
a[label = "1,618,937 \n hospitalisations due to alcohol\n and substence use related disorders"]
d[label = "1,882,629 \n hospitalisations due to\n schizophrenia"]
f[label = "780,811\n hospitalisations due to\n mood disorders"]
c[label = "\n\n\n\n\n114 million \n Brazilian cohort\n\n\n\n\n\n" width=1.3]
b[label = "2,250,454 \n hospitalisations due to\n diabetes mellitus"]
e[label = "19,646,098\n hospitalisations due to\n cardiovascular diseases"]
g[label = "278,540\n hospitalisations due to\n tuberculossis"]
node[ style=invis label=""]
d1 d2
subgraph cluster_col1 { peripheries=0 a -> d -> f}
subgraph cluster_col2 { peripheries=0 d1 -> c -> d2 }
subgraph cluster_col3 { peripheries=0 b -> e -> g}