I'm having some problems converting some data from a json payload. The closest I've gotten is converting it to a PSCustomObject like below;
{@{short=true; title=Status; value=Status text.}, @{short=true; title=Type; value=Type text.}, @{short=false; title=Detail; value=This is some example detail text.}}
However I need to convert it to a Hashtable in the following format. Any help would be hugely appreciated.
Name Value
---- -----
short true
title Status
value Status text.
short true
title Type
value Type text.
short false
title Detail
value This is some example detail text.
If we assume your JSON has been converted to object $obj
, you can do the following to output an array of hash tables.
$obj.Fields | Foreach-Object {
$hash = [ordered]@{}
$_.PsObject.Properties | Foreach-Object {
$hash[$_.Name] = $_.Value
Your output will need to be an array of hash tables because a single hash table cannot have duplicate key names.