I have a database with up to hundreds of table and hundreds of stored procedures. The database schema has been altered (e.x: some tables/columns have been renamed, some columns have been deleted/added etc).
The question is: how to detect the procedures that have been impacted by those changes (that produce error on execution), without actually executing them, because executing them one by one is a lot of manual and time-consuming work?
The closest solution I've found until now is this: sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities. A query like
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities ('dbo.procedure_name', 'OBJECT');
returns an error if procedure procedure_name is broken by those changes.So, I can get the names of all procedures and run the upper query in a loop for each procedure name, and do some kind of logic in there, like printing the procedure name in case of error.
You can try this query, mind you that this can also list false positives in certain cases.
Query to get a list of invalid
select QuoteName(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(referencing_id)) + '.' + QuoteName(OBJECT_NAME(referencing_id)) AS ProblemObject,
ISNULL(QuoteName(referenced_server_name) + '.', '')
+ ISNULL(QuoteName(referenced_database_name) + '.', '')
+ ISNULL(QuoteName(referenced_schema_name) + '.', '')
+ QuoteName(referenced_entity_name) AS MissingReferencedObject
from sys.sql_expression_dependencies sed
left join sys.objects o on sed.referencing_id=o.object_id
where (is_ambiguous = 0)
and (OBJECT_ID(ISNULL(QuoteName(referenced_server_name) + '.', '')
+ ISNULL(QuoteName(referenced_database_name) + '.', '')
+ ISNULL(QuoteName(referenced_schema_name) + '.', '')
+ QuoteName(referenced_entity_name)
order by ProblemObject, MissingReferencedObject
more info can be found here
Other useful queries when you are redesigning your scheme can be this
query to find procedures that are called from others:
declare @t table (procname varchar(200), called_in varchar(200))
declare @ProcName varchar(200)
declare crProcs cursor local FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY for
select distinct
o.name as procedure_name
from sys.sql_modules m
inner join sys.objects o ON m.object_id = o.object_id
where o.Type = 'P'
open crProcs
fetch next from crProcs into @ProcName
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
insert into @t (procname, called_in)
select @ProcName,
from sys.sql_modules m
inner join sys.objects o ON m.object_id = o.object_id
where m.definition Like '%' + @ProcName + '%'
group by o.name
fetch next from crProcs into @ProcName
close crProcs
deallocate crProcs
select *
from @t t
where 1 < (select count(1) from @t t2 where t2.procname = t.procname )
query to find all objects where another object is being used:
o.name AS Object_Name,
FROM sys.sql_modules m
INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON m.object_id = o.object_id
WHERE m.definition Like '%MyTableThatIWantToChangeTheScheme%'