I am using the AuthorRetrieval class to get information from Scopus author records, including their co-authors. I have noticed that the get_coauthors()
function only retrieves a maximum of 160 co-authors, even when there are many more co-authors.
import pybliometrics
from pybliometrics.scopus import AuthorRetrieval
import pandas as pd
>> 2.7.0
au = AuthorRetrieval(7101875313)
co_au = au.get_coauthors()
>> 160
au = AuthorRetrieval(35325278500)
co_au = au.get_coauthors()
>> 160
The records for these authors on scopus.com indicate that they both have 5000+ associated co-authors.
Is there a limit to the amount of co-authors that we can pull from the Scopus API, or from this function in pybliometrics AuthoRetrieval?
It would appear that 160 is the limit of the get_coauthors() function