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Updating Firestore documents in Golang using structs (or protobuf messages) as data

Given the following API:

syntax = "proto3";

service FooService {
  rpc UpdateFoo(UpdateFooRequest) returns (Foo) {}

message Foo {
  string name = 1;
  string description = 2;
  string action = 3;

message UpdateFooRequest {
  Foo foo = 1;
  // The list of fields to be updated. For the `FieldMask` definition,
  // see
  google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;

This API talks to a backend Firestore "foos" collection.
The implementation is in Golang. The firestore package has an Update() method, but it requires to provide a list of firestore.Update structs:

type Update struct {
    Path      string // Will be split on dots, and must not contain any of "˜*/[]".
    FieldPath FieldPath
    Value     interface{}

I have problems writing the implementation of the RPC UpdateFoo: I cannot easily construct the firestore.Update struct. At the same time, I want to ensure that the paths provided in the update_mask are valid.

This is what I am trying:

func (s *Server) UpdateFoo(ctx context.Context, req *pb.UpdateFooRequest) (*pb.Foo, error) {

var updates []firestore.Update
// Loop all paths in the update_mask
for _, p := range req.GetUpdateMask().GetPaths() {
   // Check that path is valid field of Foo message.
   // How to do this?
   if path is not valid {
       return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid path %s", p)
   // When path is valid, I need to take the value from the req.GetFoo() message
   // How to do this?
   newValue := req.GetFoo().Get????<this is p variable>

   update = append(update, &firestore.Update{Path: p, Value: newValue}

Any hints would be greatly appreciated.


  • I ran into a similar issue trying to use firestore along with protobuf in Golang. There does not seem to be support for using proto field masks and structs to do updates.

    Here's a workaround with Set and fieldmask-utils:

    import (
      fieldmask_utils ""
    var (
      id      string
      request UpdateFooRequest
    mask, err: = fieldmask_utils.MaskFromProtoFieldMask(request.FieldMask, generator.CamelCase)
    // handle err...
    m := make(map[string]interface{}) // a map to copy to
    err := fieldmask_utils.StructToMap(mask, request.Foo, m)
    // handle err..
    _, err = r.client.Collection(r.collection).Doc(id).Set(ctx, m, firestore.MergeAll)
    // handle err..