Thanks to the code below I can display the characteristics of 7 cars (A to G) on a radarchart on which I can choose the number of cars to be displayed by clicking on the checkboxes located on the left part of the chart :
if (interactive()) {
dat <- data.frame(Car.A = c(4300, 10000, 25000, 35000, 50000),
Car.B = c(5000, 14000, 28000, 31000, 42000),
Car.C = c(2400, 5000, 9020, 9200, 26000),
Car.D = c(8300, 11000, 15000,25000, 40000),
Car.E = c(23000, 14000, 28000, 31000, 42000),
Car.F = c(4000, 2000, 9000, 29000, 35000),
Car.G = c(4800, 1000, 5000, 21000, 15000))
row.names(dat) <- c("Feture 1", "Feature 2", "Feature 3", "Feature 4", "Feature 5")
# Server function -------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output) {
renderRadarChart(div_id = "test",
data = dat)
# UI layout -------------------------------------------------
ui <-
column(width = 3,
box(width = NULL, selectInput("variable", "choose any of the following", names(dat), multiple=TRUE)
column(width = 5,
box(width = NULL,
tags$div(id="test", style="width:100%;height:400px;"),
deliverChart(div_id = "test")
# Run the application --------------------------------------
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
# }
But this option doesn't suit me and I would rather use a select list input control instead:
# Server function -------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output) {
renderRadarChart(div_id = "test",
dat %>% dplyr::select(!!!input$variable)
# UI layout -------------------------------------------------
ui <-
column(width = 3,
box(width = NULL, selectInput("variable", "choose any of the following", names(dat), multiple=TRUE)
column(width = 5,
box(width = NULL,
tags$div(id="test", style="width:100%;height:400px;"),
deliverChart(div_id = "test")
But unfortunately this filter option doesn't work and I only manage to get this error message:
Error: only defined on a data frame with all numeric variables
What am I doing wrong ?
Minor adjustment to your server code should resolve the error. Try this
# Server function -------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output) {
data <- dat %>% dplyr::select(!!!input$variable)
renderRadarChart(div_id = "test",data)