I provided test cases below, this is just a question to scratch my curiosity.
The ruby documentation for Array#bsearch
"This method returns the i-th element. If i is equal to ary.size, it returns nil."
This explanation just isn't clicking in my head yet. Can someone explain it a bit more in-depth?
def greater_than_8(ary)
a = ary.bsearch { |x| x.to_f > 8 }
a.nil? || a.to_f < 8 ? "No number greater than 8" : a
ary = [0, 4, 7, 10, 12]
puts greater_than_8(ary)
#=> 10
# Shouldn't this return 14?
ary = [14, 3, 7]
puts greater_than_8(ary)
#=> "No number greater than 8"
ary = [14, 13, 7]
puts greater_than_8(ary)
#=> 14
ary = [8, 8, 8, 8]
puts greater_than_8(ary)
#=> "No number greater than 8"
ary = [8.01, 123]
puts greater_than_8(ary)
#=> 8.01
ary = ["one hundred", "151", "120", 9]
puts greater_than_8(ary)
#=> 151
Part of the documentation for Array#bsearch
is the following requirement:
You can use this method in two modes: a find-minimum mode and a find-any mode. In either case, the elements of the array must be monotone (or sorted) with respect to the block.
In your example you are using find-minimum mode. From there we look at some of your inputs you've used and see if they are monotone or not.
# Monotone increasing, allowed
ary = [0, 4, 7, 10, 12]
# Not monotone, not allowed
ary = [14, 3, 7]
# Monotone decreasing, allowed
ary = [14, 13, 7]