I'm trying to implements laravel cashier in my project. I have laravel 5.5 and cashier 7.2.2.
I have a problem when I try to createNewSubscription.
In my controller I have:
$user = User::find(3);
$subscription = $user->newSubscription('Base', 'price_45asd456a1sa56sd4');
But I receive this error:
"Call to a member function create() on null" on line 415 of /var/www/html/vendor/laravel/cashier/src/Billable.php
The problem is that in trait return error in:
$card = $customer->sources->create(['source' => $token]);
Because $customer->sources
is null.
But why?
I can see that in my db the stripe_id is setted, and in dashboard of stripe the Customer is created.
I'm with the same bug and was happening locally, but on production works. So I checked the Stripe API version that I'm using (the latest) so if you check here you will see that "The sources
property on Customers is no longer included by default" so probably this is why we're getting this error.