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How to unit test a controller with XUnit, Moq and AutoFixture?

I have a controller with the following signature:

public CustomerTypeController(
    IHttpContextAccessor accessor,
    IPrincipalProvider provider,
    IMapper mapper, 
    ILogger<CustomerTypeController> logger,
    ICustomerTypeService customerTypeService)
{ }

I also set up an AutoDataAttribute:

public class AutoMoqDataAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
    public AutoMoqDataAttribute()
        : base(() => 
            var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new CompositeCustomization(
                new AutoMoqCustomization(),
                new SupportMutableValueTypesCustomization()));

                .ForEach(x => fixture.Behaviors.Remove(x));

            fixture.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionBehavior());

            return fixture;
    { }

For now my Theory looks like this:

[Theory, AutoMoqData]
public void GetWhenHasCustomerTypesShouldReturnOneCustomerType(
    IFixture fixture,
    [Frozen] Mock<ICustomerTypeService> service,
    CustomerTypeController sut)
    var items = fixture.CreateMany<Model.CustomerType>(3).ToList();

    var result = sut.Get(1);


Do I need to setup the service with the items before getting an item from the controller? If yes, how is the service set up?


  • Use the [NoAutoProperties] attribute to decorate the controller parameter in the test method.

    Refer to this answer for details.