I would like to retrieve certain XML elements but only if they do not contain a specific attribute with starlet.
Here is an XML example in file myFile.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<subject id="1" type="someType">
<subject id="2" subtype="someSubtype" type="someType">
Now, all elements without subtype shall be considered further while all elements with a subtype (any subtype) shall be ignored.
So far, there is only the xmlstarlet selection considering all elements:
xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m "//subject[@type='someType']" -v '@id' -o $'\t' -v 'subjectname[text()]' -nl myFile.xml
This results in
1 Foo1
2 Foo2
But the desired outcome is
1 Foo1
In which way has this selection to be enhanced to omit every subject with a subtype?
Try adding the predicate [not(@subtype)]
to your match...
-m "//subject[@type='someType'][not(@subtype)]"