Feature: Step Parameter Test
Scenario: look up a book
Given I search for a valid book
Then the result page will include "success"
Scenario: look up an invalid book
Given I search for a invalid book
Then the result page will include "failure"
Step Definition: getting exception Number expected between {}, Not considering status as parameter
@then('the result page will include {status}')
def step_impl(context,status):
:type context: behave.runner.Context
I have tried even regular expression in that case getting steps undefined exception. didn't find any way to pass the string/number/double as parameter from feature file
Please do suggest if there is way to solve this.
It seems that, for whatever reason, your behave
parser is 're'
. when typically it's 'parse'
In your test file add the following:
from behave import use_step_matcher
#the rest of your test here
documentation on use_step_matcher