I am trying to distribute my Xamarin Forms Android app via the Google Play Store in Visual Studio 2019.
I follow this tutorial by Microsoft: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/deploy-test/publishing/publishing-to-google-play/?tabs=windows
I went through the steps of setting up a Google Developer Account as well as creating an application in the google dev console and an OAuth2 client.
I then entered the Client ID and Client Secret into the form and tried to register. Instead of being forwarded to the authorization page, I saw this error: Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
Unfortunately, I cannot just add the uri to the OAuth2 client, as the port changes every time I try to register button.
So, how can I solve this issue? Can I somehow fix the port that Visual Studio/Xamarin Forms uses? Is there an entirely different approach?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
you need to create a Desktop App credential not a Web App in order to register from Visual Studio