Struggling with how to word this so I'm not finding great results via search. Example input:
cust_id make part price color
1 jeep wheel 10 gray
1 jeep door 5 blue
1 jeep seat 20 brown
2 ford wheel 12 gray
2 ford door 8 red
2 ford seat 25 brown
Desired output:
cust_ID make wheel_price wheel_color door_price door_color seat_price seat_color
1 jeep 10 gray 5 blue 20 brown
2 ford 12 gray 8 red 25 brown
Originally was using spread() but ran into issues with the string values. Switched to pivot_wider() but still not able to get multiple output columns/values for each unique part. Thanks in advance!
you have to use pivot_wider:
df %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = part, names_glue = "{part}_{.value}", values_from = c(price, color)) %>%
dplyr::select(1, 2, sort(current_vars()))
cust_id make door_color door_price seat_color seat_price wheel_color wheel_price
<int> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <int> <chr> <int>
1 1 jeep blue 5 brown 20 gray 10
2 2 ford red 8 brown 25 gray 12