I was going through the QKeras implementation of the 'quantized_bits' class. Inside the call function I came across a '_round_through' function.
Here's how the function was being called:
if unsigned_bits > 0:
p = x * m / m_i
xq = m_i * tf.keras.backend.clip(
_round_through(p, self.use_stochastic_rounding, precision=1.0),
self.keep_negative * (-m + self.symmetric), m - 1) / m
I tried running the code in Python but it is apparently not a built-in function. I tried searching for the function but I only got results about the 'round()' function in Python.
So my question is: what does this function do? And what module is it a part of?
Link to Code: https://github.com/google/qkeras/blob/master/qkeras/quantizers.py#L489
Any help would be appreciated!
If you click on the function in GitHub, it will tell you where this function came from. In this case, the function is defined at line 271.
def _round_through(x, use_stochastic_rounding=False, precision=0.5):
"""Rounds x but using straight through estimator.
We use the trick from [Sergey Ioffe](http://stackoverflow.com/a/36480182).
Straight through estimator is a biased estimator for the rounding
operation defined by Hinton"s Coursera Lecture 9c where dL/dx is made
equal to dL/dy for y = f(x) during gradient computation, where f(x) is
a non-derivable function. In that case, we assume df/dx = 1 in:
dL dL df dL
-- = -- -- = --
dx df dx dy
x: tensor to perform round operation with straight through gradient.
use_stochastic_rounding: if true, we perform stochastic rounding.
precision: by default we will use 0.5 as precision, but that can overriden
by the user.
Rounded tensor.
if use_stochastic_rounding:
output = tf_utils.smart_cond(
lambda: x + tf.stop_gradient(-x + stochastic_round(x, precision)),
lambda: x + tf.stop_gradient(-x + tf.round(x)))
output = x + tf.stop_gradient(-x + tf.round(x))
return output