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How to append to the same csv file with ChoETL?

Currently the code I have below calls JsonToCsv() to parse a JSON file and append to csv accordingly, so the result is as such:


File Name    Page  Practice Name
file1.json   1     Associates & Co 

However, as you can see i am using a for loop to iterate over a bunch of JSON files, and my intention is that it parses them and appends them to the csv. so the expected csv file should like like this if i have 3 json files:

File Name    Page  Practice Name
fileXYZ.json 1     XYZ & Co
fileAB2.json 1     ABC & Co
file1.json   1     Associates & Co

however, whats happening is that the csv file is getting overwritten and I only see the results from the last file in the csv file. How do i make it append to the same file?

static void Main(string[] args)
    //Output to CSV
    foreach (var jsonFile in Directory.GetFiles(jsonFilesPath))
        JsonToCsv(jsonFile, csvFilePath);

public static void JsonToCsv(string jsonInputFile, string csvFile)
    using (var p = new ChoJSONReader(jsonInputFile).WithJSONPath("$..readResults"))
        using (var w = new ChoCSVWriter(csvFile)//.WithFirstLineHeader())
            .WithField("FileName", fieldName: "File Name")
            .WithField("PracticeName", fieldName: "Practice Name")
            // Limit the result to page 1 since the fields below only exist on the 1st page
                .Where(r1 => == 1)
                .Select(r1 =>
                    var lines = (dynamic[])r1.lines;
                    return new
                        FileName = inputFile,
                        Page =,
                        PracticeName = lines[6].text,


  • 1st option. I'd recommend you to alter your method signature to accept multiple files.

    public static void JsonToCsv(IEnumerable<string> jsonInputFiles, string csvFile)
        using (var w = new ChoCSVWriter(csvFile)
            .WithField("FileName", fieldName: "File Name")
            .WithField("PracticeName", fieldName: "Practice Name")
            foreach (var jsonInputFile in jsonInputFiles)
                using (var p = new ChoJSONReader(jsonInputFile).WithJSONPath("$..readResults"))
                        .Where(r1 => == 1)
                        .Select(r1 =>
                            var lines = (dynamic[])r1.lines;
                            return new
                                FileName = inputFile,
                                Page =,
                                PracticeName = lines[6].text,

    2nd option. Use FileStream with Append option, and do some extra code to handle different cases, see comments.

    using (var fs = new FileStream(@"D:\file.csv", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write))
        using (var writer = new ChoCSVWriter(fs))
            writer.WithField("FileName", fieldName: "File Name")
                .WithField("PracticeName", fieldName: "Practice Name");
            if (fs.Position == 0) // we don't need header if file already existed before
                FileName = "Test",
                Page = 1,
                PracticeName = "Abc"
        fs.Write(Environment.NewLine); // append new line carrier so we don't write to the same line when file reopened for writing

    3rd option - from comments (based on 2nd). Switch between create and append options

    bool someCondition = true;
    FileMode fileMode = someCondition ? FileMode.Append : FileMode.Create;
    using (var fs = new FileStream(@"D:\file.csv", fileMode, FileAccess.Write))