I am a newbee on Fluent UI React components. I am trying to implement React Router on the commandbar control from fluent UI react found here it is CommandBar with overflowing menu items. If I want to navigate to a different page with the menu items I use the history.push("/myLink") as explained here. But in order to get that working I would need to have access to useState in the functional component. the code looks like this:
export const CommandBarBasicExample: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
const [refreshPage, setRefreshPage] = useState(false);
return (
ariaLabel="Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between commands"
const _items: ICommandBarItemProps[] = [
key: 'newItem',
text: 'New',
cacheKey: 'myCacheKey', // changing this key will invalidate this item's cache
iconProps: { iconName: 'Add' },
subMenuProps: {
items: [
{ //first item in the menu
key: "AddProperty",
text: "Properties",
iconProps: { iconName: "Add" },
["data-automation-id"]: "newProperty", // optional
onClick: ()=>{handleclick()
key: 'calendarEvent',
text: 'Calendar event',
iconProps: { iconName: 'Calendar' },
The Problem I have is that if I use setRefreshPage(true) VS code complains that the state variable is not recognized. if I put the useState somewhere else React complaints of a illegal use of useState. How can I get useState to be usable in the const _items object?? any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's what's working for me with the same command bar component.
You have to make sure your router is setup as HashRouter
and the path properties of your <Route/>
s are setup like /#properties
through the href
property of the button - and not through onClick
We have the routes file describing the routes:
/* routes.js */
export const Routes = {
Properties: 'properties'
We have this file, describing the contents of the command bar.
/* commandBarItems.js */
import Routes from './routes'
const PropertiesButton = { key: Routes.Properties, name: 'Properties', href: `#${Routes.Properties}` };
export const CommandBarItems = { menu: [PropertiesButton] }
We have the app.js
where you setup the hash router and the command bar component.
/* app.js */
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { HashRouter as Router, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import { Fabric, initializeIcons, CommandBar } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';
import { PropertiesComponent } from './whichever-file-or-module';
import Routes from './routes';
import CommandBarItems from './commandBarItems';
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
render() {
return (
<CommandBar items={CommandBarItems.menu} farItems={CommandBarItems.farItems}/>
<Route path={`/${Routes.Properties}`} component={PropertiesComponent} />